If you have a vehicle that you are using for any business-related purpose, you need commercial auto insurance.
Did you know your personal auto insurance will not cover any damages to your commercial vehicle?
Commercial auto insurance will not only cover the vehicle but also your business in the event of a loss.
There are several types of commercial auto insurance and at Teddy Zach Insurance we can help find the right coverage for you and your business.
Let us help limit the risk for you and your commercial vehicle.
More About Commercial Auto Insurance
When a business has its commercial auto insurance policy, it can safeguard its vehicles against natural disasters such as fire, snow, hailstorm and unexpected events like theft or vandalism. Physical damage from accidental events and all liability claims arising out of such situations are not included in the traditional kind of auto insurance policy.
Many types of vehicles are covered in this policy such as service utility vehicles, large trucks for goods transportation, box trucks, commercial trucks are all covered under the commercial auto insurance policy. In the unfortunate event, if one of your insured vehicles becomes involved in any accident, the resulting property damage and physical injury will be paid under this policy. In 2012, Americans spent more than $90 billion on commercial vehicle accidents as per the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. So, avoiding this insurance for the later or skipping it altogether can prove to be really expensive for a business.
If a business feels that it can do well even without the commercial auto insurance, it may not be a wise decision. Unforeseen events can end up making the business spend thousands of dollars in a space where having insurance would have covered any accidental or natural damage to a vehicle.
Reputable Commercial Truck Insurance Los Angeles
If there’s a vehicle you use for business-related purposes, then you definitely need some good commercial truck insurance. Why? Because any damages caused to your commercial vehicle isn’t covered by your personal insurance –and that’s a lesson you don’t want to learn the hard way.
If your business relies on vehicles to function, then there’s absolutely no reason for you not to get commercial auto insurance. And who better suited to provide you commercial truck insurance than us – Zach Insurance.
In the event of an accident, our insurance not only covers repairs for damages, but it also covers the medical costs of the resulting accident. We have several types of commercial auto insurance that doesn’t only cover your vehicle, but other assets as well.
Meet Our Owner
& Lead Agent
Teddy Zach
Owner & Lead Agent
Teddy Zach had over 25 years experience as a leading insurance agent in the Los Angeles area. He has saved his clients millions of dollars by delivering customized policies for their specific needs. Teddy is a specialist in insurance for general contractors and major construction projects and gets the best rates with the most critical protections. Teddy is waiting to help you and answer any questions you have! You can reach Teddy directly: (310) 295-1132.